Innovation management standard

ISO 56002 – Innovation management standard

ISO 56002 is a framework for innovation management developed by ISO’s Technical Committee on Innovation Management (ISO/TC 279). It provides guidance on establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an innovation management system within an organization.


ISO, the world’s largest developer of voluntary international standards, plays a crucial role in facilitating global trade and fostering innovation. ISO standards cover a wide range of industries and processes, providing guidelines and best practices to enhance efficiency, quality, and safety. Among these standards, ISO 56002 stands out as a valuable tool for organizations seeking to harness the power of innovation.

History and Development

The development of ISO 56002 was driven by the recognition of the critical role that innovation plays in organizational success. The standard draws upon existing best practices in innovation management and incorporates input from experts and stakeholders worldwide.

Scope and Objectives of ISO 56002

ISO 56002 is applicable to organizations of all sizes and sectors, including businesses, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and academia. Its primary objectives include fostering a culture of innovation, enhancing organizational resilience, and driving sustainable growth through innovation.

Key Principles of ISO 56002

ISO 56002 is built upon several key principles that underpin effective innovation management:

Innovation as a Strategic Asset

The standard emphasizes the strategic importance of innovation as a driver of competitiveness and long-term success. Organizations are encouraged to align their innovation efforts with their overall business objectives and market needs.

Leadership Commitment to Innovation

Leadership plays a crucial role in promoting and supporting innovation within an organization. ISO 56002 highlights the importance of visible leadership commitment to fostering a culture of innovation and providing resources and support for innovation initiatives.

Integration of Innovation into Organizational Processes

Effective innovation management requires the integration of innovation into all aspects of an organization’s processes and activities. ISO 56002 provides guidance on incorporating innovation into strategic planning, product development, operations, and other functions.

Steps to Implement ISO 56002

Implementing This standard involves several key steps, including:

  1. Gap Analysis: Assessing the organization’s current innovation management practices and identifying areas for improvement.
  2. Establishing Policies and Objectives: Defining policies, objectives, and targets related to innovation management.
  3. Resource Allocation: Allocating resources, such as funding, personnel, and technology, to support innovation initiatives.
  4. Training and Awareness: Providing training and raising awareness among employees about the importance of innovation and their role in the process.
  5. Monitoring and Measurement: Establishing metrics and performance indicators to track progress towards innovation goals.

Role of Leadership and Employees in Implementation

Leadership plays a critical role in driving the implementation of ISO 56002 by providing direction, support, and resources. Employees at all levels of the organization also play a vital role in contributing ideas, identifying opportunities, and participating in innovation activities.

Benefits of Implementing ISO 56002

Organizations that implement ISO 56002 stand to gain numerous benefits, including:

  • Enhanced Innovation Capabilities: Improved ability to generate, capture, and leverage innovative ideas and opportunities.
  • Increased Competitiveness: Enhanced ability to respond to market changes, customer needs, and emerging trends.
  • Improved Risk Management: Better identification and mitigation of risks associated with innovation initiatives.
  • Enhanced Reputation: Demonstrated commitment to innovation and excellence, enhancing the organization’s reputation among stakeholders.

Certification Process

Overview of the Certification Process

Organizations seeking ISO 56002 certification must undergo a rigorous assessment process conducted by accredited certification bodies. This process typically involves:

  1. Documentation Review: Review of the organization’s innovation management system documentation, including policies, procedures, and records.
  2. On-Site Audit: On-site audit to assess the implementation and effectiveness of the innovation management system.
  3. Certification Decision: Based on the audit findings, the certification body makes a decision regarding certification.

Requirements for Obtaining ISO Certification

To obtain ISO 56002 certification, organizations must demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the standard, including:

  • Establishment of an Innovation Management System: Implementation of processes and procedures to support innovation activities.
  • Demonstrated Commitment to Continuous Improvement: Evidence of ongoing efforts to improve the organization’s innovation capabilities and performance.

Importance of Certification for Organizations

ISO 56002 certification provides organizations with several benefits, including:

  • Enhanced Credibility and Trust: Certification demonstrates the organization’s commitment to innovation and adherence to international best practices.
  • Improved Market Access: Certification can enhance the organization’s competitiveness and facilitate access to new markets and opportunities.
  • Stakeholder Confidence: Certification provides assurance to stakeholders, including customers, partners, and investors, regarding the organization’s innovation capabilities and commitment.


ISO 56002 provides organizations with a valuable framework for establishing and maintaining effective innovation management systems. By adopting This standard, organizations can enhance their innovation capabilities, improve their competitiveness, and drive sustainable growth. As the pace of change continues to accelerate, organizations that prioritize innovation will be better positioned to succeed in the dynamic business environment.

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