ISO 14268

ISO 14268 – Leather Standard

ISO 14268 is a set of standards developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) specifically for testing the physical and mechanical properties of leather. These standards aim to ensure consistency, durability, and quality across various leather products.


Leather, a versatile material with numerous applications, undergoes rigorous testing to ensure its quality and performance meet industry standards. ISO 14268 plays a crucial role in establishing these standards, particularly concerning water vapor permeability. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of ISO 14268, its significance in the leather industry, and the process of determining water vapor permeability.

Importance of Leather Standardization

Standardization in the leather industry is essential to guarantee consumer satisfaction, product safety, and regulatory compliance. By adhering to established standards like ISO 14268, manufacturers can maintain uniformity in their products and build trust among consumers.

Understanding Water Vapour Permeability

Water vapor permeability refers to the ability of a material to allow the passage of water vapor through its surface. In the context of leather, it is a critical property that influences comfort, breathability, and durability.

Significance of Physical and Mechanical Tests

Physical and mechanical tests, including those related to water vapor permeability, help assess the performance and quality of leather. These tests provide valuable insights into factors such as flexibility, strength, and moisture management.

Overview of ISO 14268 Standards

ISO 14268 encompasses various tests and parameters related to leather quality assessment. It provides detailed guidelines for conducting tests, interpreting results, and ensuring compliance with international standards.

Key Parameters Measured

In the determination of water vapor permeability, ISO 14268 focuses on key parameters such as thickness, surface area, and the rate of water vapor transmission.

Test Methods for Determining Water Vapour Permeability

ISO 14268 outlines standardized test methods for accurately measuring water vapor permeability in leather. These methods involve controlled environments and precise instrumentation to obtain reliable results.

Equipment Required for Testing

Conducting tests according to ISO 14268 requires specialized equipment, including permeability chambers, moisture analyzers, and precision measuring instruments.

Procedure for Conducting Tests

The testing procedure involves preparing leather samples, conditioning them to standardized environmental conditions, and measuring water vapor transmission over a specified period.


ISO 14268 plays a vital role in setting quality standards for leather products, particularly concerning water vapor permeability. By adhering to these standards, manufacturers ensure consistency, reliability, and performance in their products, ultimately benefiting consumers and industry stakeholders.

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